
Touring the PMA's Biennial

The Boston Phoenix, April 13, 2011
Annie Larmon and Nicholas Schroeder


"Nearby, I think Deborah Wing-Sproul's video performance piece is marvelous, completely in line with what I expect from the exhibit. A recursive single channel projection of the artist seated on a rock at the foot of a Greenland shoreline, it explores notions that are typically delimited by gallery settings: our tenuous relationship with climate change, the slow passing of time, and the performance of an internal process that isn't shrouded in emotional terms. The artist barely moves a muscle in this hour-long video; instead she leaves ample space for the viewer to make his or her own connections." [Nicholas Schroeder]



Deborah Wing-Sproul (United States, born 1957), “Tidal Culture Part III: Latitude 65.570N/Longitude -37.890W,” Greenland, 2009, single channel video projection, 1 hour. Lent by the artist.

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