Durational Devices website
Durational Devices I-V will be performed at the Marble Block Building at 129 Maine Street in Biddeford, Maine, on consecutive Fridays from June 29–July 27, 5:00-7:00pm.
Durational Devices I-V will be performed at the Marble Block Building at 129 Maine Street in Biddeford, Maine, on consecutive Fridays from June 29–July 27, 5:00-7:00pm.
Durational Devices I-V will be performed at the Marble Block Building at 129 Maine Street in Biddeford, Maine, on consecutive Fridays from June 29–July 27, 5:00-7:00pm.
(2004–) A long-term nomadic work based in and around the North Atlantic Ocean (USA, Newfoundland, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Outer Hebrides and Ireland).
(Faroe Islands, The Outer Hebrides, 2011)
stills from single channel video, shot on location in Faroe Islands and The Outer Hebrides.
(NYC, 2010) performance: graphite line drawn over the course of 2 hours,
covering approximately 144 inches
Performed December 9, 2010 at Pelavin Gallery, NYC
Performance in response to "Anxieties and Alienations" (painting by Kate Beck)
"Surface Tension" represents the first public viewing of my "Durational Devices" series
Click for performance still...
(2010) projected HD single-channel video + solo performance
Premiered on the occasion of the Maine Arts Commission Awards Ceremony,
October 29, 2010
The video component of this work was shot during the 2010 Autumnal Equinox from the Maine shoreline, facing easterly over the Atlantic Ocean. A relatively still, prone performance with a live audio component accompanies and echoes ambient sounds from the video.
(2009) New York, site-oriented performance, 2 hours
collaboration with Ling-Wen Tsai
(2009) single channel HD video, 18 minutes,
collaboration with Ling-Wen Tsai